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Excerpts from "Vedanta Philosophy: An address before the Graduate Philosophical Society"

Vedanta Philosophy: An address before the Graduate Philosophical Society is a lecture given by Swami Vivekananda on 25 March 1896 at the Graduate Philosophical Society of Harvard University. After this lecture, the university offered Vivekananda the chair of Eastern Philosophy. [Wikipedia] Here are the great words from this book. 1. All the Vedantists agree on three points. They believe in God, in the Vedas as revealed, and in cycles. 2. The belief about cycles is as follows: All matter throughout the universe is the outcome of one primal matter called Âkâsha; and all force, whether gravitation, attraction or repulsion, or life, is the outcome of one primal force called Prâna. Prâna acting on Âkâsha is creating or projecting the universe. 3. At the beginning of a cycle, Âkâsha is motionless, unmanifested. Then Prâna begins to act, more and more, creating grosser and grosser forms out of Âkâsha — plants, animals, men, stars, and so on. 4. Now there is somethin
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