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Excerpts from "Select Works of Sri Sankaracharya by S. Venkataramanan"

1. There is naught else than Him; yet, this universe is not his real nature. He is not the objective world, for He is of the nature of nonobjective consciousness. And though He is devoid of the distinction of the knower, knowledge and the known, He is nevertheless always the knower,—that Hari, the destroyer of the darkness of samsâra, I praise. 2. Knowledge cannot spring up by any other means than enquiry, just as the perception of things is impossible without light. 3. He who thinks "I am the body" remains, alas! in ignorance, as also he who thinks "this body is mine", as if he were always looking at an earthen vessel belonging to him. 4. A dream becomes unreal in the waking state; nor does the waking state exist in dream. Both dream and waking are absent in sleep,and sleep too is absent in dream and in waking. 5. Thus all the three states are unreal, being produced by the three qualities. The Eternal is the witness of these three states, beyond the t
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